Stopping the Floodwaters

Denise Cavil felt like she was drowning in debt until she walked into the Evelyn K. Davis Center's Polk County Financial Empowerment Center (PCFEC). With the help of her financial counselors, Denise has been pulled out of the water and has a fresh start to life.
“It’s like the floodgates of knowledge have been opened,” Denise said. “The water was up to my neck. There was a lifesaver called Evelyn K Davis Center that pulled me out of that drowning pit.
"In September 2022, Denise and her husband found themselves stuck. They were sinking deep into debtand Denise was being pulled in many directions as a minister and caretaker for her husband and parents.She was considering filing for bankruptcy when Denise remembered the Evelyn K Davis Center (EKDC). She had attended classes several years ago and knew she could count on being helped.
“I didn’t think there was any hope for us,” Denise said. “Things had piled up onme. I had been [to the EKDC] before -I knew there was help. It came across my mind:I need to see if I can work with someone at the Evelyn K Davis Center.
”Denise began working with a financial counselor at the PCFEC. Together, they analyzed Denise’s situation and juggled her money around to pay off debts one at a time. However, Denise was soon out of money. The PCFEC encouraged her to call the credit union.
"[Denise’s PCFEC advisor] followed up with me. All questions that I had, he gave me good tips to ask, they guided me through the process, and I got just what I needed,” Denise said.She and her husband got a HELOC loan (Home Equity Line of Credit). At the same time, she was still visiting her PCFEC counselor who taught her to check interest rates, loan coverage, and more helpful tips. “I don’t make enough to pay for financial advisors and [have] never even been financially savvy, so that’s where light bulbs have come on in my mind about money management,” Denise said.Today, Denise’s head is above water again.
She can breathe a sigh of relief that her financial crisis has ended, and she is working with the PCFEC to build the life she wants. Denise recommends the PCFEC’s services to anyone who can relate to the sinking sensation 2022 found her in. “Anyone that feels like nobody cares, like they don’t have any options, [and] young mothers,” Denise said. “I would recommend it to especially those that have beenforgotten.”Today, Denise is swimming uninhibited towards a completely debt-free life. “I’m at a good place,” Denise said.The PCFEC is proud to have thrown her the life preserver she needed.